
Dallis and David’s senior labs, a very slow quiet session


Hello David & Sylvaine,

I finally got home a little bit ago to see the artwork. I’d been looking forward to it all day! I just wanted to share with you both how happy we are with the final product. The work looks really amazing. The images are beautiful and the canvases look very professional. I just can’t stop looking at it 🙂 Thank you very much for creating these beautiful memories for us!

Best Wishes, 

Dallis Cavallaro
wall collection of the older labs

Dallis’ wall portrait collection. Dogma’s Photographer’s suggestion

So Dallis works with the Southern California Lab Rescue http://www.sclrr.org/ and came in as part of our fundraiser month to benefit them. Dallis and David are those super cool type of people that have made the decision to look after the oldsters. All these labs were rescued at advanced age and all come with a story.

3 labs flat out

3 oldster labs flat out

These guys are 10, 12 and 14 years old so this was a quiet relaxed slow style session, although it did take a while to get the last shot of them all on the couch hanging out, curiosity is not limited to the younger generations. I love all the gray beards and creaky limbs, sitting comfortably was a bit tricky at times and getting back up was even trickier.
older lab sitting awkwardly


But I tell you what, you feel the love and that’s what counts, and in this case it’s x 3.
Thanks Dallis for bringing them in and thank you for those kind words.


Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

714 642 9021
